There are many different designs for anchor bolts including headed, straight, and bent. They can include nuts and/or plates on the embedment end. They can also be swedged.
Bent Anchor Bolts
A right angle bend anchor bolt is a commonly used design, especially in smaller, “standard” sizes. The bent portion, or “leg”, of the anchor bolt provides resistance so the bolt does not pull out of the concrete when force is applied. Most bent anchor bolts are called out to inside dimensions as the drawing above demonstrates, although some engineers will call out outside or centerline dimensions. Galvanized bent anchor bolts are readily available in the marketplace as a stock item in diameters ranging from 1/2″ through 1″. Larger sizes are typically made to order.
Thread-Each-End Anchor Rods
Straight anchor bolts, also referred to as “anchor rods”, are typically designed with thread on each end. To provide resistance so the rod does not pull out of the concrete, a nut is added on the embedded end and sometimes a bearing plate will be used. This is especially common in larger diameters. Galvanized anchor rods are typically not a stock item in the marketplace and are custom manufactured to your specifications.
Headed Anchor Bolts
Headed anchor bolts are increasing in popularity. The bolt head provides resistance so the bolt does not pull out of the concrete. Sometimes a plate is tack welded to the head to give additional pull-out strength. The heads are forged on and can be hex, heavy hex, or square. Most headed anchor bolts, especially when manufactured to ASTM grade 1554, will be a custom manufactured item as standard stock hex bolts rarely meet the requirements of F1554. However, Portland Bolt stocks a line of 3/4″, 7/8″, and 1″ diameter F1554 Grade 36 headed anchor bolts up to 36″ in length.
Swedged Anchor Rods
Swedged anchor rods are typically used in bridge design for bridge bearings. The indentations provide resistance in the concrete to keep the rod from pulling out. The indentations must be formed not cut, and the pattern can vary from one state’s Department of Transportation to another.
All-thread Anchor Rods
All thread rod is commonly used with epoxy in existing concrete foundations. The only common grade of galvanized all thread that is readily available in the marketplace is A307. Other grades will need to be cut to length or made from scratch and galvanized to order. Portland Bolt stocks all thread rod in the following grades that can be cut to length and galvanized quickly: F1554 Grades 36, 55, and 105, A307, A449, A354 Grade BC, and A193 Grade B7.